
Can you feel it?

Ciao and Sacred Sunday:

I hope you’ve had an awesome week!

As I write to you, I’m sitting near the Columbia River in northeastern Oregon at a little park that we’ve frequented over the years.

A light breeze carries the earthy essence of freshly mowed grass.

The sun dapples through the trees creating a dance of light and shadow, and clouds take shape and form, feathering the turquoise sky.

Gazing up at the variety of oaks and maples, some already beginning to turn their leaves, I’m reminded that indeed autumn is upon us.

My friend, this is an extraordinary powerful time.

I’m imagining that like me you’re feeling the energy of the fall equinox inviting you into the soulful space of stillness.

In this gap, during the potency of cross-quarter time, the veil between worlds is thinnest, affording you the opportunity to easefully step into deep quietude.

In the depths of such tranquility a portal opens revealing the fecund soil of your soul.

Our lives are precious and short. Our lives are not meant to be squandered but grown through the seasons like a luscious garden.

❣️So, I’m curious, in this fertile time what seeds of love are you desiring to plant?

  1. An intimate relationship with a beloved that grows ever stronger with the nurturance of commitment.
  • New clients you adore because they’re heart-centered, willing to do the work and self-generative.
  • Befriending your “numero uno” saboteur, that has your feet velcroed in the past; so, you can finally step confidently into the future you’re being called to.

Dearest love, this is the time for self-care, self-reflection, and self-inquiry.

The truth is, you can only hear the whisper of your soul’s longing when you slow yourself way the heck down.

👉Today’s Sacred Sunday invitation…

~ Burn sage and cleanse your sacred space. Light a candle. Place a journal and pen nearby.

~ Find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and sit in the garden of your heart.

~ Don’t pay heed to the mind chatter. Allow the brain to settle itself down. It will, trust me.

~ Then, in between an inhale and an exhale, ask your legacy self, your guides, your God…

Where are you leading me

What are you calling me to create

How am I to best serve – my personal desires, my longing to make meaning, and the greater good

Invite the answers to arise from the silence of meditation or your rich dream world.

No forcing required, simply open to the possibilities that already exist, and receive grace.

With love and appreciation, xoxo Paulette

P.S. Don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help you on your Breakaway journey, and your desire for expansion. Sometimes you need a little nudge. And truthfully, it’s much more fun and simpler with support.

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